


This Program offers a wide range of formative opportunities including

Coaching and Training (both on- and offline, for individuals and

groups) that can help you understand and consciously implement

an Authority-based Leadership in your environment.

Just type the word "Leadership" on the navigation bar of a search engine, and you'll see dozens of pages dedicated to this topic appearing on your screen, in every shape or form.

That's because Leadership is a fundamental aspect of our reality and life that manifests in infinite situations, from the smaller ones (individual, parenting, school, businesses, etc.) to the much bigger ones (institutions of all kinds, associations, multinationals, nations, etc.).

The evolution of our society has produced such complexity that it is necessary to adopt various modalities of Leadership, although none of these should disregard an Authoritativeness that a Leader just can't dismiss.

Towards Authoritativeness

The AUTHORITYPRO Program offers many ways to help you achieve the Authority that you need to strengthen, such as:

Authority Coaching

This is the master road to achieve a solid condition of Authoritativeness, thanks to a 1-to-1 program that deeply gets you involved as an individual and as a manager (or otherwise involved in a business) as these two aspects are inseparable.

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Flash Coaching

These are shorter and less expensive modules (eight in all, but more will be added) for a 1-to-1 training that focuses on a very specific subject of Authoritativeness and/or Leadership, more generically.

A simple and quick way to take something important wth you.

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Authority Training

These are live, offline training courses that focus on some basic aspects of Authoritativeness, such as actual Leadership, Public Speaking, and Decision-making.

Because they are seminars designed for groups, they must be organised.

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Online Training

These are very short (1 to max. 4 hrs.) webinars and/or courses that can be either free or paid, that focus on a very specific topic.

They are usually not repeated, unless specifically requested.

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