I 9 Detonatori della Fiducia

The 9 Trust Detonators

There TRUST it is what distinguishes a true relationship from a false one. Indeed, it is what defines a relationship, since without trust there is no relationship.

It is disconcerting how little attention is paid to this aspect, as if we had all cynically given up on being able to truly believe anyone else. You know, at least you can give up believing in others, but not believing in yourself and yours adamant intention to make a difference for someone .

It's not a question of becoming gods "good" people, but to have:

  • The marriage What do you want;
  • the relationship with yours children What do you want;
  • the friendships What do you want;
  • the business (therefore the turnover, market positioning, collaborators, etc.) you want;
  • the relationship with yourself What do you want;
  • even the relationship with God you want, if this is important to you.

A change of perspective

In just 12 lessons, for a total of only one hour and a half of viewing, you will have a very clear idea of how to get others to trust you.

Here's what you'll get from this video course:

  • Awareness of the real nature of Trust
    Limiting yourself to the application of a few techniques or strategies is reductive. It is necessary to know the dynamics that are going to activate. Knowing what is behind the Trust, you are put in a position to adjust the shot when the situation goes out of the expected schemes, assuming greater control;
  • Simple and powerful strategies to implement immediately
    THE 9 "detonators" they are actions and above all attitudes that anyone can adopt to foster a relationship based on trust;
  • An extraordinary tool for personal growth
    No professional growth is possible without personal growth. For this reason, the program not only focuses on how to establish a relationship of trust with a hypothetical interlocutor, but more importantly, how to strengthen trust in yourself;
  • An action plan
    The video course provides you with valuable suggestions on how to make the most of this knowledge through a simple and highly effective action plan which involves the use of the various detonators in several stages;
  • Two special "bonuses".
    You will be able to download the E-book "The Trust Detonators" , which alone covers over half the cost of the video course. Also, a very useful cheatsheets to make the most of and quickly the knowledge you will acquire.


The video course consists of 5 lessons (over the Introduction ) for a total of approx 1.5 hours .

These are the titles of the lessons and the topics covered:


FIRST LESSON - The 3 Basic Elements

Trust takes into account various aspects (three, to be precise) on which to act to strengthen trust and are explained and explored here;

SECOND LESSON - The Detonators of Competence

These first three detonators prove to your interlocutor that you are a person to be able to transmit Trust in a visible and concrete way. It is the first step necessary to build a solid relationship.;

THIRD LESSON - The Bond Detonators

Here we go even deeper because it not only demonstrates that you are a person worthy of Trust, but that you are also capable of trusting yourself. This is crucial for cement the relationship ;

FOURTH LESSON - The Detonators of Ethics

Here the ability to create Trust reaches its peak because, in the eyes of your interlocutor, you are not just a person "respectable" to be trusted, but your behavior denotes a strong personal ethics ;

FIFTH LESSON - Trust and Opportunity

Many take the power of Trust lightly. Partly out of cynicism, partly out of superficiality. In reality, the ability to create Trust opens up extraordinary opportunities, today - and even more so tomorrow - more than ever!

Potrai accedere alle preziose informazioni che il videocorso

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Inoltre, compresi nel prezzo, ci sono anche l'e-book

"I Detonatori della Fiducia",

ed un "cheatsheet" che potrai usare come veloce vademecum.

Tutto sta nell'iniziare, con il compiere un'azione... anche piccola, ma significativa, come procedere all'acquisto del programma!


Il rischio è praticamente nullo, ma i risvolti pratici (anche economici) di quest'azione possono rivelarsi straordinari, sia a livello personale che professionale.

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